Beytepe Engineering Academy

Mission and Vision Components

Beytepe Engineering Academy has defined four different mission and vision components that integrate each other.

Individual training:

Organize and provide qualified training to individuals to meet the needs of public and private organizations and/or individuals in the fields of engineering,

to develop, implement and use distance education and online training methods in conjunction with face-to-face training,

to provide education in English and Turkish languages in the framework stated above,

to publish and use books, notes, printed documents, software packages.

For corporate Training purposes:

R & D and/or Product Development projects;

provide academic consultancy services to public and private organizations,

for the technological development of public and private organizations;

perform focused academic, technological and strategic orientation at the organization level,

to serve within the external institutional (external) R & D model,

academic and technological planes for public and private organizations,

scientific and technological publication screening,

İngilizce çevirisi special Create defined information package,

provide technological reporting and presentation services, for the institutional technological development of public and private organizations, training, directing services.


Corporate cooperation, accreditation and evaluation purposes:

to provide consultancy and guidance services for the technological feasibility,

technology evaluation,

technological and academic accreditation and

strategic planning of public and private organizations,

To provide academic consultancy, orientation and application services in the accreditation studies of engineering programs in higher education institutions,